Notice that you are often judging and criticizing what is going on both in you and in the world? ...
BELIEFS ~ Good/Bad, Purpose, Spirituality +
"The Only Journey is the One Within."
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Belief, Conscience, Destiny, Ethics/Morality, Faith, Fate, Free Will, God/Religion, Good/Evil, Heaven/Hell, Honor/Virtue, Hope, Ideals, Integrity/Honesty, Law/Rules/Justice, Luck/Chance, Materialism, Money, Myth/Legend, Philosophy, Prayer, Purpose/Meaning, Spirituality, Salvation, Security, Sin, Soul, Worth/Value
Alan Watts – Don’t Take Life too Seriously
FOOLPROOF | | BELIEFS ~ Good/Bad, Purpose, Spirituality +, EXPERIENCES ~ Time, Life/Death, Reality + | 0“Yesterday does not exist, and tomorrow never comes. there is only the eternal now.” – Alan Watts
Alan Watts – Just Trust The Universe
FOOLPROOF | | ADVERSITY ~ Conflict, Obstacles, Failure +, BELIEFS ~ Good/Bad, Purpose, Spirituality +, CHOICES ~ Patience, Responsibility, Cause/Effect + | 0“You don’t have to let go, because there’s nothing to hold on to.” – Alan Watts
If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude.- Chinese Proverb
Create a “Belief Board” or make a list of your beliefs, and post them somewhere that others can see them (as a...
Everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone, or love someone. If even a single person remembers you. Then maybe, you never really die at all.- Person of Interest (TV show)
What gives your life meaning? What is in the way of having more of it?- Kyle Mercer
The voice of the soul speaks through the heart.- Audra Erwin
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