‘Level-Up’ by gaining Points in the 3 Growth Areas:

Adding Inspiration & Insights

  • I ~ Getting Inspired
  • II ~ Sharing Inspiration
  • III ~ Creating Inspiration

III-10. “Mind-Blower🏆 750 pts. - 🏆 99,999 pts.

III-9. “Eureka!!!🏆 700 pts. - 🏆 749 pts.

III-8. “Boat-Rocker🏆 650 pts. - 🏆 699 pts.

III-7. “Wisdom Wizard🏆 600 pts. - 🏆 649 pts.

III-6. “Oh-So-Quotable🏆 550 pts. - 🏆 599 pts.

III-5. “Often Cited🏆 500 pts. - 🏆 549 pts.

III-4. “Semantic Genius🏆 450 pts. - 🏆 499 pts.

III-3. “Fueled by Imagination🏆 400 pts. - 🏆 449 pts.

III-2. “Feeling Crafty🏆 350 pts. - 🏆 399 pts.

III-1. “Timid Artist🏆 300 pts. - 🏆 349 pts.

II-10. “Inspiration Savant🏆 280 pts. - 🏆 299 pts.

II-9. “The Muse🏆 260 pts. - 🏆 279 pts.

II-8. “Grumpy Kitty Hates Me🏆 240 pts. - 🏆 259 pts.

II-7. “Meme-Master🏆 220 pts. - 🏆 239 pts.

II-6. “Thought-Provoker🏆 200 pts. - 🏆 219 pts.

II-5. “Brain-Poker🏆 180 pts. - 🏆 199 pts.

II-4. “Quote-Collector🏆 160 pts. - 🏆 179 pts.

II-3. “Poetry Nerd🏆 140 pts. - 🏆 159 pts.

II-2. “Quote Search Pro🏆 120 pts. - 🏆 139 pts.

II-1. “Soft-Spoken🏆 100 pts. - 🏆 119 pts.

I-10. “Time for Action🏆 90 pts. - 🏆 99 pts.

I-9. “Galvanized🏆 80 pts. - 🏆 89 pts.

I-8. “Resonating🏆 70 pts. - 🏆 79 pts.

I-7. “Mind-Body Synergy🏆 60 pts. - 🏆 69 pts.

I-6. “Awestruck🏆 50 pts. - 🏆 59 pts.

I-5. “Fully Engaged🏆 40 pts. - 🏆 49 pts.

I-4. “Strongly Moved🏆 30 pts. - 🏆 39 pts.

I-3. “Deeply Energized🏆 20 pts. - 🏆 29 pts.

I-2. “Delightfully Surprised🏆 10 pts. - 🏆 19 pts.

I-1. “Slightly Interested🏆 1 pts. - 🏆 9 pts.

Planner, Journaling & Groups

  • I ~ Changing Self
  • II ~ Changing Relationships
  • III ~ Changing the World

III-10. “Center of Gravity🏆 750 pts. - 🏆 99,999 pts.

III-9. “Motivational Master🏆 700 pts. - 🏆 749 pts.

III-8. “Think-Tank Specialist🏆 650 pts. - 🏆 699 pts.

III-7. “Game-Winning Coach🏆 600 pts. - 🏆 649 pts.

III-6. “Support Minister🏆 550 pts. - 🏆 599 pts.

III-5. “Enthusiastic Buttress🏆 500 pts. - 🏆 549 pts.

III-4. “Pillar of Stability🏆 450 pts. - 🏆 499 pts.

III-3. “Personal Cheerleader🏆 400 pts. - 🏆 449 pts.

III-2. “Neighborhood Watch🏆 350 pts. - 🏆 399 pts.

III-1. “Earth-Lover🏆 300 pts. - 🏆 349 pts.

II-10. “Universal Nexus🏆 280 pts. - 🏆 299 pts.

II-9. “THE Internet!🏆 260 pts. - 🏆 279 pts.

II-8. “Networking Pro🏆 240 pts. - 🏆 259 pts.

II-7. “The Central Hub🏆 220 pts. - 🏆 239 pts.

II-6. “Support Overseer🏆 200 pts. - 🏆 219 pts.

II-5. “Covert Matchmaker🏆 180 pts. - 🏆 199 pts.

II-4. “Serial Interconnector🏆 160 pts. - 🏆 179 pts.

II-3. “Switchboard Operator🏆 140 pts. - 🏆 159 pts.

II-2. “OK, Who Are You?🏆 120 pts. - 🏆 139 pts.

II-1. “Let’s Talk About Me🏆 100 pts. - 🏆 119 pts.

I-10. “Legacy-Maker🏆 90 pts. - 🏆 99 pts.

I-9. “Self-Actualized🏆 80 pts. - 🏆 89 pts.

I-8. “Gregarious🏆 70 pts. - 🏆 79 pts.

I-7. “Amiable Extrovert🏆 60 pts. - 🏆 69 pts.

I-6. “Official Greeter🏆 50 pts. - 🏆 59 pts.

I-5. “Socially Reformed🏆 40 pts. - 🏆 49 pts.

I-4. “People-Piqued🏆 30 pts. - 🏆 39 pts.

I-3. “Name Collector🏆 20 pts. - 🏆 29 pts.

I-2. “Social Curiosity🏆 10 pts. - 🏆 19 pts.

I-1. “Who Am I?🏆 1 pts. - 🏆 9 pts.

~ Levels designed by Matt Thomas

Sharing, Encouraging, Forum

  • I ~ Openness
  • II ~ Connection
  • III ~ Support

III-10. “World-Shaper🏆 750 pts. - 🏆 99,999 pts.

III-9. “Dream Weaver🏆 700 pts. - 🏆 749 pts.

III-8. “Master of Magnetism🏆 650 pts. - 🏆 699 pts.

III-7. “‘Change’ Leader🏆 600 pts. - 🏆 649 pts.

III-6. “Trail-Blazer🏆 550 pts. - 🏆 599 pts.

III-5. “Community Creator🏆 500 pts. - 🏆 549 pts.

III-4. “‘Change’ Entrepreneur🏆 450 pts. - 🏆 499 pts.

III-3. “Making a Difference🏆 400 pts. - 🏆 449 pts.

III-2. “Wingman🏆 350 pts. - 🏆 399 pts.

III-1. “Drill Sergeant🏆 300 pts. - 🏆 349 pts.

II-10. “Complete Synergy🏆 280 pts. - 🏆 299 pts.

II-9. “Symbiosis Achieved🏆 260 pts. - 🏆 279 pts.

II-8. “Unconditional Love🏆 240 pts. - 🏆 259 pts.

II-7. “Emotional Intelligence🏆 220 pts. - 🏆 239 pts.

II-6. “Total Acceptance🏆 200 pts. - 🏆 219 pts.

II-5. “Open To Communication🏆 180 pts. - 🏆 199 pts.

II-4. “Taking Responsibility🏆 160 pts. - 🏆 179 pts.

II-3. “The Golden Rule🏆 140 pts. - 🏆 159 pts.

II-2. “Linked In🏆 120 pts. - 🏆 139 pts.

II-1. “Poor Connection🏆 100 pts. - 🏆 119 pts.

I-10. “I Am ‘The Socials’🏆 90 pts. - 🏆 99 pts.

I-9. “Life of the Party🏆 80 pts. - 🏆 89 pts.

I-8. “Conquering Uncomfortable🏆 70 pts. - 🏆 79 pts.

I-7. “Metamorphosis🏆 60 pts. - 🏆 69 pts.

I-6. “Identity Crafter🏆 50 pts. - 🏆 59 pts.

I-5. “Practically Perfect🏆 40 pts. - 🏆 49 pts.

I-4. “Building Momentum🏆 30 pts. - 🏆 39 pts.

I-3. “Dreamer🏆 20 pts. - 🏆 29 pts.

I-2. “Self-Help Junkie🏆 10 pts. - 🏆 19 pts.

I-1. “Wallflower🏆 1 pts. - 🏆 9 pts.


All the ways you can gain ‘Growth Points’ in the 3 Growth Areas:

INSPIRING (Adding Inspiration & Insights)

Instance Amount Limit
Get Inspired! (viewing content) 💡 1 pts. Maximum 5 times per day
Create a Ripple (publish content) 💡 1 pts. No limit
Adding Your Insights (commenting) 💡 2 pts. Maximum 5 times per post and Maximum 5 times per day
Group Speak (group comment) 💡 1 pts. No limit

MOTIVATING (Planner, Journaling & Groups)

Instance Amount Limit
Starting Your Journey (registering) 🎯 3 pts. -
Checking In (login) 🎯 1 pts. Maximum 1 times per day
Being Here, NOW (daily visit) 🎯 1 pts. -
Get Moving! (add an event) 🎯 2 pts. No limit
Goal-Planning (add a goal/step) 🎯 1 pts. No limit
I DID IT! (secret item...) 🎯 3 pts. -
RSVP! (attending an event) 🎯 1 pts. No limit
Re-Motivated! (product review) 🎯 7 pts. No limit
Journey Inward, Together (creating a group) 🎯 10 pts. -
Finding Support (joining a group) 🎯 5 pts. No limit

CONNECTING (Sharing, Encouraging, Forum Posts)

Instance Amount Limit
Asking for Support (new group forum topic) 👥 2 pts. No limit
Loving It! (favorited topic) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Supporting Others (replying to a topic) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Brand New ME! (profile update) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Our Good Side (new group avatar) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Nice Landscape (new group cover) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Foundation Work (new friendship) 👥 3 pts. No limit
Totes Fave (favorite activity) 👥 1 pts. No limit
You Got Mail! (new message) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Kudos (new encouragement) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Asking for Support (new group forum reply) 👥 1 pts. No limit
Happy Birthday! 👥 5 pts. -
You Are Cordially Invited (sending an invitation) 👥 2 pts. No limit
Thx 4 the Invite! (accepted invitation) 👥 2 pts. No limit
Happy Membership Anniversary! 👥 10 pts. -
Inspiration Inbox (site subscription) 👥 5 pts. -
Insight Inbox (comment subscription) 👥 3 pts. -


Life-Planner Quest (coming soon)

Level 1:
  • Motivation for "Link Click" x 1
Life-Planner Quest (coming soon)

Inspiring Others (post view)

Level 1:
  • Inspiration for "Viewing Content (Author)" x 1
Inspiring Others (post view)

Come Join Us! (send invite)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "Sending an Invite" x 1
Come Join Us! (send invite)

Support Insights (new topic reply)

Level 1:
  • Motivation for "New Topic Reply (bbPress)" x 1
Support Insights (new topic reply)

Adding Insights (add comment)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "Approved Comment" x 1
Adding Insights (add comment)

Checking In (site visit)

Level 1:
  • Motivation for "Website Visit" x 1
Checking In (site visit)

Connecting (messaging)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "New Message" x 1
Connecting (messaging)

Favorite Support (favorite topic)

Level 1:
  • Inspiration for "Favorited Topic (bbPress)" x 1
Favorite Support (favorite topic)

Finding Your Tribe (join group)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "Joining Group" x 1
Finding Your Tribe (join group)

Group Insights (group comment)

Level 1:
  • Inspiration for "New Group Post" x 1
Group Insights (group comment)

Group Support (new group forum post)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "New Group Forum Post" x 1
Group Support (new group forum post)

Inspire Me (view post)

Level 1:
  • Inspiration for "Viewing Content (Member)" x 1
Inspire Me (view post)

Making Friends (new friend)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "New Friendship" x 1
Making Friends (new friend)

My Good Side (new profile photo)

Level 1:
  • Motivation for "Avatar Upload" x 1
My Good Side (new profile photo)

Profile Insights (new profile comment)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "New Profile Comment" x 1
Profile Insights (new profile comment)

Seeking Group Support (new group topic)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "New Group Forum Topic" x 1
Seeking Group Support (new group topic)

Seeking Support (new topic)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "New Forum Topic (bbPress)" x 1
Seeking Support (new topic)

Showing Up (login)

Level 1:
  • Motivation for "Logging in" x 1
Showing Up (login)

Support Insights (topic reply)

Level 1:
  • Connection for "New Topic Reply (bbPress)" x 1
Support Insights (topic reply)

Updated Presence

Level 1:
  • Motivation for "New Profile Update" x 1
Updated Presence

~ Icons by Symbly


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