Acceptance/Relief, Anger, Anxiety/Worry/Doubt, Curiosity, Compassion, Depression, Desires, Despair, Emotions, Empathy/Sympathy, Envy, Excitement/Enthusiasm, Fear, Gratitude, Guilt, Hate, Instinct/Intuition, Intention, Joy/Happiness, Love, Neutrality/Indifference, Peace, Pride, Regret, Resentment, Sadness, Shame, Wonder/Awe


Let’s appreciate!

Envy is second only to self-pity as the most dangerous of all emotions.

- Dean Koontz
We are not who we think we are. We are who we are when we stop thinking.

- Trevor Thomas

What if your emotions were like an alarm clock? Every time you stuffed them or used a coping mechanism to avoid feeling them it would be like hitting the snooze alarm: peaceful for a moment, but you always know it will be coming around again until you finally wake up.

- Kyle Mercer
I hear people say that they want to 'be loved.' If we put the want to 'be loved' into present tense it becomes wanting to 'be love.'

- Kyle Mercer
Only when we move through our fear of being alone with our one self can we truly embrace our independence and our creativity.

- Kyle Mercer

Forgiveness is the key to happiness
- James Twyman
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"The Only Journey is the One Within."~ Rainer Maria Rilke

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