Welcome Support Forum HELP CENTER FAQs & Tutorials CREATING/RUNNING GROUPS How Do I Create a Group/Listing?

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    • #16431
      Journey In (Admin)
      Connection: 👥 201 pts.

      First, login, then go here
       (then fill out all the sections)

      1. Add a group name & 1-sentence description
      2. Add an optional ZOOM Chat room (NOTE: follow instructions carefully; more info)
      3. Choose group settings (more info)
      4. Choose if your group has a forum (more info)
      5. Add an optional group profile photo (square group “icon” image; create a logo here)
      6. Choose Blog Categories (skip if you disabled Blog Categories in #3; more info)
      7. Choose File Upload permissions (more info)
      8. Add an optional Cover Image (horizontal group background image; find free images here)
      9. Invite Journey Inward Friends (optional, can invite others after group is created)
      10. Invite other members (NOTE: only select people you know)
      11. Course Settings (coming soon…)
      12. Done! your group will show up here (unless it’s “hidden”, then it only shows up in your profile)

      First, login, then go here
       (then fill out all listing details)

      • Add your group name
      • Add a description (what your group is about, what people will get being a part of your group, etc.)
      • Choose what Personal Growth categories your group falls under (NOTE: your group must fall under one of these categories in order to be hosted on The Journey Inward)
      • Choose a Group Type (Support, Mastermind, etc.)
      • Add or create Tags for your group (optional; tags are keywords people might search for in order to find your group)
      • Choose your group’s Features to display (optional; based on these group sections) 
      • Choose what type of button to display (Join Group is a direct link to the group; Ask to Join by Email is your email address; Signup/Info is a link to wherever people can signup for or find out more about your group)
      • Add a group image (3/4 ratio: 750px wide x 500px tall minimum, will auto-crop to fit; create a group image here)
      • Accept the Terms & Conditions & hit “Submit Listing”
      • Done! Once approved, your group listing will show up here (you can then edit your listing whenever you like).

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