Every day I awake and remain in my dreams. When you are living your dream life, every day is a dream.
My Dream Continues
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Living Fully
trev • • EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +) • 0
I was watching a TV show recently, and something was said that stuck with me. One of the characters...
Alan Watts – Don’t Take Life too Seriously
OnPATH • • BELIEFS (good/bad, purpose, spirituality +), EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +) • 0
“Yesterday does not exist, and tomorrow never comes. there is only the eternal now.” – Alan Watts
OnPATH • • EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +) • 1
If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small. – Richard Branson
Everyone Dies Alone, But…
trev • • BELIEFS (good/bad, purpose, spirituality +), EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +) • 1
Everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone, or love someone. If even...
“Illusions,” by Richard Bach
trev • • EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +) • 0
“Illusions,” by Richard Bach This is the book that inspired me to write my book. His eloquence and willingness to...
Education Changes the World
trev • • EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +) • 0
Education is the most powerful weapon wheich you can use to change the world. ~ Nelson Mandela
Our Story in 1 Minute ~ Melodysheep
trev • • EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +), INTERACTION (abundance, environment, relationships +), SELF (health, perspective, self-growth +) • 0
A tapestry of footage tracing the cosmic and biological origins of our species, set to original music.
Time Spent Vs Time Wasted
OnPATH • • EXPERIENCES (time, life/death, reality +) • 0
To spend time is to pass it in a specified manner. To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly...
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Living my dream life is proof that decision, commitment, and action lead to goals.