Hi all, There are some changes afoot that I want to tell you all about, but first… In the...
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Home » journey inward
"The Only Journey is the One Within."
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
The JOURNEY Inward partnered with World UNITY Week, and presented as part of the Education, Inspiration & Learning Convergence...
Trevor Thomas shares his Personal Development plans for a Cutting Edge new website on SynergyCafe
Your group members will feel INSPIRED, get MOTIVATED & stay CONNECTED with their goals around your group content!
Are you feeling uninspired, or unmotivated? Isolated, or unsupported?
The Journey Inward is back, with a brand new look!!! And some new features as well.
I’ve attended events, conferences, retreats, seminars and service projects: I have had these epiphanies, self-realizations, experiences of pure service,...
New Insights