Welcome Support Forum HELP CENTER FAQs & Tutorials [POSTING GUIDELINES]

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    • #8692
      Journey In (Admin)
      Connection: 👥 201 pts.

      Be supportive
      Please post “Constructive” feedback (& ONLY if asked): This forum is not about judging or “fixing” anyone! Be willing and able to engage with others in the spirit of mutual support.

      Be responsible
      You are expected to take personal responsibility for your participation in this community, accepting and applying these guidelines and ground rules.

      Be respectful
      Do not harass, insult, taunt, provoke, demean, or personally attack other forum members.

      Keep it clean
      Do not use obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or excessively violent language.

      NO SPAM
      Users who post forum spam (or other unapproved advertising) will have their posts removed, and may be banned from the site. If a post that is otherwise appropriate includes links considered to be spam, those links will be removed.

      Keep posts short
      Link to content rather than posting it in its entirety, unless you are the copyright holder or have permission from the copyright holder.

      Challenging situations
      Difficult or challenging situations and/or conflict arise as a natural part of any group interaction; they may result in distress or other difficult feelings. You are expected to be responsible for your contributions and responses at all times, including times of difficulty or conflict.

      If you observe someone breaking a rule or ‘trolling‘, report them. Do not try to deal with them yourself.

      Equality among members
      Please keep an eye out for new members, acknowledge introductory posts, welcome new members, etc. Please be mindful of interactions that may feel excluding. Do NOT resurrect ‘old’ or historical material that is not in the spirit of mutual support.

      Final say
      Administrators have the final say in modifying, interpreting, and enforcing these rules.

      This forum is NOT a crisis service, and does not take the place of professional support services. This forum only provides opinions from other members, who each take personal responsibility for their contributions.

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