Welcome Support Forum PEER SUPPORT Health I don’t know how to take breaks!

last updated by Anonymous 7 years, 11 months ago
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    • #10518

      Connection: 👥 1,538 pts.

      I find it really hard to take breaks throughout the day, even though I know they’re good for me. I just get caught up in whatever it is I’m doing and it becomes really hard to switch gears. I have reminders on my computer to take a break but if I’m really into something I just ignore them… Any ideas?

    • #11556
      Connection: 👥 0 pts.

      I have a lot of trouble taking breaks as well. I don’t like being interrupted when I am in the middle of something. Even my own bodily needs must be scheduled. Like, if I really have to pee. I tell myself, ok I just have to get to this point in the project, or finish this one thing and then I can pee. And that thing my take 30 mins. or 2 hours. It’s a problem. So basically….. I am in the same boat. But, I have a thought on the subject. Maybe we need to think about what it is that bothers us about taking breaks. I know for me it is at least two things. 1. I don’t want to lose my train of thought, because when I work, I am really intense and focused about it. I worry I might forget where I was going with something if I take a break. 2. I am afraid that I will lose my momentum, and that I wont want to get back to work.

      So if I could come up with an answer to those two things, maybe I would take more breaks.

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