Every job has its problems. A key consideration in choosing a career is determining what type of problems you enjoy solving.
Every day I awake and remain in my dreams. When you are living your dream life, every day is a dream.
You can take people out of the tribe, but you can’t take tribe out of people.
  • Bill Kauth
What gives your life meaning? What is in the way of having more of it?

- Kyle Mercer
Interactions from a perspective of wonder and curiosity are the most powerful way to transform your relationships with other people. Inquiry simply changes how you perceive, understand, and inspire.

- Kyle Mercer
Our pain supports many of our interpretations of life, other people, ourselves and our role in life. By letting go of the pain we gain the opportunity to shift our interpretations.

- Kyle Mercer

What if your emotions were like an alarm clock? Every time you stuffed them or used a coping mechanism to avoid feeling them it would be like hitting the snooze alarm: peaceful for a moment, but you always know it will be coming around again until you finally wake up.

- Kyle Mercer
Perfection isn't found in everything going right, but rather in accepting the beauty of what's happening moment to moment.

- Kyle Mercer
To heal Self-Worth you must go back and accept every aspect of self that you were taught was unworthy.

- Kyle Mercer
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"The Only Journey is the One Within."~ Rainer Maria Rilke

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