Group Listing Categories: Play and SelfGroup Listing Tags: festival and soulful awakening
- The Soulful Awakening Festival is a festival retreat which will be held as an online summit this year (and in the next years in physical as well as online form).
We are entering strange times right now with many challenges and great potential at the same time. We are aware that these times might be testing for many of you, but we also feel now more than ever that we need to nourish and grow the energy of community and support with each other. We are at the peak of a progression in many ways and need to understand that we need to find our tribe again and work together in all areas of life. This is how it used to be and how it should be again. We can see where ego and fear lead us right now.
In light of this we have been planning a festival to celebrate just that. Together with beautiful team of practitioners and instructors we are uniting together for a deeper learning of what we are truly made of. Each and everyone one of us in the last few weeks has started to bring a deeper awareness of what is no longer serving us personally and globally. There is a powerful change on its way in many forms.
We are being called to transform all fear and anxiety into the fertilizer for new growth and put to practice our vibrational alignment and tools we have gathered. We want to do our part in this current mission and help everyone else to achieve this goal.We are aiming to offer something new for beginners as much as advanced souls on their spiritual journey with topics like mediumship, spiritual relationships, alchemy, herbalism, chakra therapy, crystal healing, light language, akashic records, native american teachings and so much more.The Soulful Awakening Festival will be held as online summit with most of our original Practitioners and more additions to come. We will be offering access to prerecorded workshops and talks as well as live webinars and workshops. All from the comfort of your home.We are offering our Extended Transformation Groups which will follow up with you and invite you to share your experience and growth with a group of likeminded people and ask questions to the Spaceholder of your group to help you along your journey to find your true Souls purpose.
This is a great chance to participate in a multitude of workshops with one single ticket and dive into your Awakening in many areas. And the best thing is you can do it from wherever you are!
We really believe focusing on the energy of love and community is more important now than ever and will do our best to create that energy not only for one weekend but leading up to it and going on afterwards. - ZOOM Group Video Calls
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