Advice, Apologies/Forgiveness, Borders, Business, Caring What Others Think, Children, Communication/Conversation, Community/Culture, Connections, Courtesy, Encouragement/Praise, Environment, Expectation, Family/Kinship, Friends, Giving/Receiving, Hello/Goodbye, Help/Support, Humanity/Society, Kindness, Leadership, Legacy, Listening, Lying, Loyalty, Management, Men, Observation,
Parenting/Parents, People, Play/Games, Questions/Answers, Relationships, Respect, Romance, Selling, Service, Sex, Sharing, Taking for Granted, Teaching, Teamwork, Trust, Unity/Oneness, Women

Interactions from a perspective of wonder and curiosity are the most powerful way to transform your relationships with other people. Inquiry simply changes how you perceive, understand, and inspire.

- Kyle Mercer
A person isn't who they are during the last conversation you had with them - they're who they've been throughout your whole relationship.

-Rainer Maria Rilke
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"The Only Journey is the One Within."~ Rainer Maria Rilke

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