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Parenting/Parents, People, Play/Games, Questions/Answers, Relationships, Respect, Romance, Selling, Service, Sex, Sharing, Taking for Granted, Teaching, Teamwork, Trust, Unity/Oneness, Women

“Flatland,” by Edwin A. Abbott This book taught me about perspective, and the idea that there is so much more to this universe than we could imagine. If we can just step outside of our pre-conceived notions about now things are, who knows what we might become?
What backed the money was not gold or something of intrinsic value, but rather the collective belief that money had value because it had to have such value. Thus it was that the monetary system of the United States and every other country in the world was entirely an exercise in psychology, A thing of the mind, and as a result, so was every other aspect of the American economy. If money was simply a matter of communal faith, then so was every thing else.

- Tom Clancy
War is the ultimate criminal act, an armed robbery writ large. And it's always about greed. it's always a nation that wants something another nation has. And you defeat that nation by recognizing what it wants and denying it to them. The seeds of their defeat are usually found in the seeds of their desire.

- Tom Clancy
What other people think of me is none of my business.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

The universe is complex enough for everyone to be correct.
- Mel Thomas
You can take people out of the tribe, but you can’t take tribe out of people.
  • Bill Kauth
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