“Illusions,” by Richard Bach This is the book that inspired me to write my book. His eloquence and willingness to look behind the curtains taught me to question everything and always look deeper inside myself for the answers, every day.
CEO Space Helping business professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs to accelerate achievement and reduce the time and cost of reaching their growth goals.
“Ishmael,” by Daniel Quinn This book makes me think of everything that’s wrong with the historical idea of “Manifest Destiny.” It showed me what’s wrong with modern civilization, and sustainability, and that we are not the most important things in this universe. It opened my eyes.
“The Magician’s Way,” by William Whitecloud This book takes the ideas about the Law of Attraction from “Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting,” by Lynn Grabhorn, and puts them into a realistic context. Somewhat shocking and unpredictable, this book is a recent addition to my library that showed me how to manifest truly anything.
“Flatland,” by Edwin A. Abbott This book taught me about perspective, and the idea that there is so much more to this universe than we could imagine. If we can just step outside of our pre-conceived notions about now things are, who knows what we might become?
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