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Coach Eva





November 24, 1976


As a mother of two (11b & 13g) and a wife of 16 years, I came to realise that my focus in life was all tangled up with my roles.  As I went through a period of spiritual growth, I became aware that I have greater potential than just affecting my close loved ones.  Once the children where in elementary school, I found time to educate myself as I got certified in Integrative Wellness & Life Coaching.  I became obsessed with learning more!  I learned a wide variety of information, from how to run a business to becoming a certified instructor of 24 Posture Therapeutic Qigong.  I got mentors to help me come out of my shell so I could be seen and heard. Thank you Rachel Jayne Groover 😉

Now I work with parents who want to follow the purpose they are passionate about, but they have the handle breaks on with reasons they can’t do what they want (Responsibilities for their family, lack of focus, lack of clarity around their purpose).  I offer private coaching to one or both parents in 6 month intervals, so they can gain clarity around their purpose, manage their household responsibilities with help from all able family members, and become inspirational to their children who see them thrive in their genius zone.

Additionally, I am inspired to share my knowledge of Qigong in an online course to benefit anyone who is struggling with pain, disease, and/or diagnosis that are incurable by traditional western medicine.   I am learning about the App options, in hope of connecting the dots to completing this course that is already in high demand.

👥 I-4. “Building Momentum
💡 I-1. “Slightly Interested
🎯 I-4. “People-Piqued


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